Portsmouth Primary Care Alliance Ltd (PPCA) – A GP alliance made up of practices in the NHS Portsmouth CCG area.
Practices in the NHS Portsmouth CCG area are the shareholders and members of the company. PPCA is a legal entity that can be contracted with. It is an organisation that supports the sustainability of General Practice as well as being able to support the delivery of locally commissioned and Direct Enhanced services.
Being made up of member practices offers the opportunity to tender for services that as individual practices they may not be able to consider. Our aim is to work strategically with all our practices to help secure the best services for patients by keeping services local and familiar. PPCA recognises that having a registered patient list and access to a family doctor is one of the great strengths of the NHS.
We acknowledge the need for change but also that individual practices cannot make these changes alone, working collaboratively gives Portsmouth GPs a voice as to how services are delivered with primary care at the centre. We aim to make a positive impact on services in the Portsmouth area by working with the CCG, NHS Trusts, local providers and patients to improve how healthcare is delivered in the local community. By being innovative we aim to offer improved quality and efficiencies within services.